Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On The Road Again!

Yesterday was body measurement day for me again, and this time I got some good news.

I am down roughly 2 pounds of body fat, and my lean body mass went up 3 pounds.  My overall weight went up one pound from my last check to 178, so I am also maintaining my desired weight.

All awesome news!

A Little Bad News
The last check in was a bit of a blow for me psychologically speaking.  If you remember not too long ago I purchased The Fat Calipers of Antioch so I could start learning to take body measurements and add that as a service for my clients.

I am also having my personal trainer Mimi Ward use them in order to get as accurate a measurement on myself as possible.  The news was a bit discouraging even though I was ready to hear that I had a higher body fat percentage than previously recorded.

The numbers showed I was holding a bit more belly fat, and fat on my arms than we thought.
When the computer printed out the results it showed that I had not in fact broken through my 19% plateau, I was really looking 21% body fat right in the face.


Reality hurts sometimes don't it?

However, I now had a starting point that I felt confident in and it was time to buckle down and get to work.

The New Plan
Mimi and I decided it was time for a change up in the routine.
Here is what we did:
  • Mimi began to design a workout plan for me based around Hypertrophy.
  • I implemented two nutritional changes to my diet.
  • I changed up my cardio plan.

Each of those is a potential blog post, so I'll write more on those as we go.  I'm happy to say that those changes have resulted in getting things kick started for me once again, and we got the results mentioned above.


I'm once again pushing towards my goals!

My current six week program is coming to an end this week.  I will be following that with two weeks of active rest, and I am looking forward to seeing the new design Mimi has in store for me.

Hard Wired
Dealing with bad news on a training program can be tough, and it can sometimes seem  as though your body is hardwired not to lose fat.  It can really feel that way sometimes, and it can feel devastating.

Here is a small article from the gang at Prograde  that talks about just that, and offers a few ideas on how you change a few small things that will get you back on the right track.

Article: Are You Hard Wired to Never Lose Fat.

It's a good read, I hope you enjoy it.



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