Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On The Road Again!

Yesterday was body measurement day for me again, and this time I got some good news.

I am down roughly 2 pounds of body fat, and my lean body mass went up 3 pounds.  My overall weight went up one pound from my last check to 178, so I am also maintaining my desired weight.

All awesome news!

A Little Bad News
The last check in was a bit of a blow for me psychologically speaking.  If you remember not too long ago I purchased The Fat Calipers of Antioch so I could start learning to take body measurements and add that as a service for my clients.

I am also having my personal trainer Mimi Ward use them in order to get as accurate a measurement on myself as possible.  The news was a bit discouraging even though I was ready to hear that I had a higher body fat percentage than previously recorded.

The numbers showed I was holding a bit more belly fat, and fat on my arms than we thought.
When the computer printed out the results it showed that I had not in fact broken through my 19% plateau, I was really looking 21% body fat right in the face.


Reality hurts sometimes don't it?

However, I now had a starting point that I felt confident in and it was time to buckle down and get to work.

The New Plan
Mimi and I decided it was time for a change up in the routine.
Here is what we did:
  • Mimi began to design a workout plan for me based around Hypertrophy.
  • I implemented two nutritional changes to my diet.
  • I changed up my cardio plan.

Each of those is a potential blog post, so I'll write more on those as we go.  I'm happy to say that those changes have resulted in getting things kick started for me once again, and we got the results mentioned above.


I'm once again pushing towards my goals!

My current six week program is coming to an end this week.  I will be following that with two weeks of active rest, and I am looking forward to seeing the new design Mimi has in store for me.

Hard Wired
Dealing with bad news on a training program can be tough, and it can sometimes seem  as though your body is hardwired not to lose fat.  It can really feel that way sometimes, and it can feel devastating.

Here is a small article from the gang at Prograde  that talks about just that, and offers a few ideas on how you change a few small things that will get you back on the right track.

Article: Are You Hard Wired to Never Lose Fat.

It's a good read, I hope you enjoy it.



Monday, August 29, 2011

It's All Heart From Here

I bumped into this on Alli McKee's blog, and it reminded me of my teachers.
I was taught that every time I stepped on the dojo floor was a test.  In fact every day is a test.

The test itself was a demonstration of what I had already achieved through my sweat, time, and energy (my Gung Fu!).


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Does Acai Berry Really Do??

Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS
© Copyright 2011
Acai berry has been tagged one of the super fruits of the world.  It got most of its popularity from being mentioned on Oprah with Dr. Oz discussing what he felt were powerful foods everyone should be eating.

He mentioned Acai berry as a powerful antioxidant fruit and briefly mentioned that there was 1 study conducted that indicated there may be potential for it to help with weight loss.

That is all the scam artists had to hear.  They could have cared less about the proven health benefits.  They wanted the word weight loss mentioned so that they could go and promote acai berry as a miracle weight loss product.  No science has ever been behind it yet tens of thousands of people have been duped into buying acai berry to help lose weight.  All that happened to them was loss of money because once they gave these scammers their credit card the charges just kept coming and you couldn't turn it off.

Acai berry is not a weight loss ingredient.  It has never been proven to be a weight loss ingredient.  Everything you see with acai berry and weight loss is all hype and false.

OK, now that we have that out of the way lets talk about what acai berry really is and how it can actually benefit you.

Acai berry is a powerful antioxidant fruit.  What this means is it provides antioxidants that fight off and kill 'free radical' molecules in our body.  These free radicals scientists are starting to show may lead to many diseases and illnesses we get such as cancer.  So we want to kill as many of these as we can and not let them build up in our body.

The reason acai berry is so powerful is because it is grown in a region of the world where the sunlight is real intense.  Well, to survive this fruit needs to develop its own antioxidants to fight off the sun's strong oxidizing UV rays.  What results is a fruit with high levels of anthocyanins, which is a powerful antioxidant. 

The great thing is these powerful anthocyanins are still beneficial even when we consume the acai berry fruit.  Through technology scientists have been able to take this fruit and freeze dry it into a stable powder that still contains all the health benefits of the real fruit.

To give you some examples of how powerful acai berry is as an antioxidant acai berry contains 10-30 times the anthocyanins as red wine.  It also has 10 times the antioxidant potential of grapes.

Acai berry is actually a very powerful fruit that is good for you, but don't consume it thinking it will help you lose weight faster.  Consume acai berry to help you fight off the free radicals that are damaging your body that may lead to serious diseases.

Click Here To Discover The Potential Of The Other Powerful Ingredients in Longevity

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank You Mister Joe!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Joe Salomone for taking time out of his busy schedule to teach class this past Saturday afternoon.

The class was comprised of members from the Institute of Martial Arts and the Southern Nevada Martial Arts Academy.  After a brief warm up Mr. Joe took us through a Gung Fu workout as only he can.

Thank you again Mr. Joe, and please know that you are always welcome at the SNMA.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Avoid These Foods And Lose Weight Faster - Part 2

Avoid These Foods And Lose Weight Faster - Part 2
(What To Eat Instead, Too)

By Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD

When you mix fat and simple carbs it stimulates even more fat storage and increases your risk for heart disease. Avoid these fatty, carby foods and swap them with these healthier options.


WHY: It should be a no-brainer to understand why potato chips are offensive: it’s a fried white potato with salt. However, many people still consider potato chips an easy, acceptable snack. Even though today’s potato chips contain little to no trans fat, they’re still a fattening combination of high-glycemic carbs and oil.

INSTEAD: Cheese crisps are a healthy home-made alternative to chips providing a rich source of calcium.  Recently UK researchers evaluated the health implications of diets high in cheese and dairy products in healthy middle-aged men. They found that increased consumption of full-fat dairy products did not negatively affect heart disease or diabetes risk or increase body weight.

  BONUS TIP.... Click Here to read the full article 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Avoid These Foods And Lose Fat Faster

Avoid These Foods And Lose Fat Faster
(What To Eat Instead, Too)
By Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD

We’re all looking for a better-looking and healthier body, but in today’s day and age, even the brightest minds are confused on what they should eat. We’re going to make it easy for you to identify foods that you should avoid, and ones that you should focus on. Use this list below when you’re out shopping to ensure you don’t pick items that will set you back in your fat-loss quest.
Foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates from simple sugars like high fructose corn syrup and sucrose are shown to be less satisfying and more likely to increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease than those rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber.
These offending foods also are more likely to make you gain weight than lose it. Here are 7 foods that you should avoid, and healthier substitutions that will help you reach your hot body goal. 

Click Here to read the full Article

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Booty Bounces

Mimi: Ok, nice job on the knee raises.  Booty hops are next.

Me: Booty hops?

Mimi: Yeah, you know, booty hops.

Me: You mean Garhammer Raise?

Mimi: No, I call them Booty Hops.  They are much more fun.

Me: I don't want to do Booty Hops, I wanna do Garhammers.  Much more manly.

Mimi: Nope, your doing booty hops!

Me: Thor wouldn't do booty hops.  Thor would do Garhammers.

Mimi: You are GOING to do booty hops.  Twelve of them, now stop stalling.

Me: /sigh Fine!  Booty hops, twelve?

Mimi: NO!  Booty bounces, yes twelve.

Me:  Booty Bounces?

Mimi: Yup, Booty Bounces.

Me: Not booty hops?

Mimi: Nope I just changed it.  

Me: From booty hops?

Mimi:  Uh huh, see much more fun to say, booty, booty, bounce...bounce...bounce.

Me: Just now?  You can do that?

Mimi: Yep, NOW GO already!  Twelve.

Me: Mimi have you been hitting the Red Bull?

Mimi: Nope, I'm all natural this morning.  I think I'm suffering from too-much-lack-of-sleep.

Me: You mean you didn't get enough sleep?

Mimi: Nope, too-much-lack-of-sleep.  BOOTY BOUNCES, GO NOW!

Me: Twelve?

Mimi:  Ghhhhaaaaaa!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Free Body Composition Measurements

 Hey all,
If you look over there to the right you will see a new box labeled Free Measurements Remaining, with a number.  (Scroll down a bit, it is there I promise.)

Done?  Kewl, here is the scoop.

One of the services I will be providing in my new business is body measurements, and body fat assessments.

Keeping track of your lean body mass, and your body fat% is a helpful tool when tracking the progress of your weight loss program.  This is a little more in depth than just stepping on the scale to see how much you weigh. 

It helps greatly to know what changes are happening, or in some cases not happening in your body, so you can make corrections and periodically set goals for your exercise programs.

I did a bunch of research on measurement methods and tools, hmmmm'd, then haaaaaa'd,  and finally decided to spring for the Caddy of the caliper world, the Harpenden Skinfold Caliper by Baty International Ltd.

Witness the hotness:

 How about a closer look:
Yeah, thats the stuff!  

I swear it doesn't matter what the gig, getting tools ALWAYS rocks!  George Schellenberger, one of the few true craftsmen I have ever met, he told me; Kid if you want to succeed in this business...horde tools! 

I've been hording ever since.

He also told me, Kid, if you can't find the other end...cut it.
As a touring electrician in the entertainment world, the sagest advice I was ever given.

Anyhoooo, now that I have been trained to use the Harpenden calipers by Mimi Ward, 24 Hour Fitness Master Trainer of Super Awesome, I am on the trail to become proficient with said tool.  The send off I got from Mimi was to go forth and test 50 times so I shalt be accurate in my measurements.

Not good enough I say! 

I am quite dunderheaded, thus I shall multiply Mimi's number by three.  Three is the number I shall multiply by, and that number shall be three.  Not two (unless I proceed immediately to three), I shalt not multiply by four, and five is right out!

So what this means is I shall be using the Holy Harpenden of Antioch to give away 150 skin fold body fat assessments for free!

Normally a $30 to $40 value

Plus or minus for the fact that I am totally newbcakes...OK minus, all the way to FREE people!

Did I mention the free part? 

I will be bringing my calipers and tape measure with me pretty much everywhere I go so if you are interested in getting a free body fat assesment please ask!  

You save money and I practice and learn.  Win, Win!

Grab me at work, mention it too me, email me, just let me know and we'll figure out a way to get you measured.  I will be tracking my progress over there in that box on the right I mentioned before as a way to stay motivated, and let folks know how many are left.  

This way you can take advantage and get more than one.  Say, one every two weeks or so until they are gone.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Guest Speaker: Mister Joe Salomone

 Greetings All,

It is my pleasure to let you know that Mister Joe Salomone from Zen has indicated to me that he will be in Las Vegas and available to teach on Saturday August 20th!

Please be aware that if you are planning on attending this special class there will be a $20 donation to help cover Mister Joe's teaching fees.

We will be starting class promptly at 12:30 as to be warmed up and ready to go, please plan on arriving a little early.

I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

To recap:
Guest Teacher: Mister Joe Salomone
Date & Time: Saturday, August 20th, 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $20


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Rule To Optimize Your Workouk

Happy Tuesday Everyone.

I figured this would be a great time to share this killer article with you. It's from my friends and partners over at Prograde Nutrition.

Bottom line: Recent research shows any strength training workout should be followed by proper post-workout nutrition.

It's all right here ==> 1 Rule To Optimize Your Workout


Yours in health,

PS - I'm not kidding around. Do NOT waste your workout by fueling your body with junk afterward.

Find out what the RESEARCH shows: 1 Rule To Optimize Your Workout

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Phone Number for Mercer Health and Fitness

Hey all,

Here is a quickie update for your address books and mobile phones.

Mercer Health and Fitness Inc. now has a brand new phone number all it's own!

If you need anything please ring us at (702) 546-6463 or (702) 546-MHNF


Thursday, August 4, 2011


I'm a proud Prograde partner
Hey All,

Just a note about changes to the blog.

I am sure you noticed that I switched from two columns to three, and that there is now an add for Prograde Nutrition over there on the left.

Over the course of the past two years many of my friends, colleagues and teachers have commented on the transformation I have gone through physically. Along the way I have found a few professionals out there whose ideas, writings, and products have helped me make that change.

One of the cool things about having formed Mercer Health and Fitness Inc. is that I can now share those ideas with you. Sometimes as a member of an affiliate program as is the case with Prograde Nutrition.

Whats Happening
In the very near future you will see a page with all those links in one place. That page will have listed the trainers, sites, and blogs that I have found helpful. Some I will be "proud partners" with (a fancy way of making sure my readers know that I have made a financial partnership), and some will be just a link to an interesting blog or forum.

You will also see some adds on the left hand side of the blog for the companies I am teaming up with to get the word out on quality products. By clicking on those banners you will also be helping me make my rent.

I will only be teaming up with people whose products and services I have used and am happy with.

When possible I will be keeping a small amount of stock on hand so that if you are a student, client or co-worker you can pick up some product from me directly.

Prograde Nutrition
Today I would like to tell you that I am a proud Prograde partner. I have been using Prograde products for over two years and have been very happy with the products, the results I get, their customer service, and their educational approach towards promotions.

A few things stick out for me with this company:
  • The company is headed up by Registered Dietitians and Fitness professionals.
  • They are a GMP Rated facility.
  • They are recommend by many of the top pro-trainers
  • High quality products shipped to my door at the same cost or lower than what you get from a local health store.
  • At the end of each article written the author of the post gives footnote references that leads to the studies they got their information from. You can actually go read the studies yourself and make up your own mind. (This is the first time I've seen this from a nutrition company.)
  • Awesome tasting products shipped to your door
  • Prograde provides products sweetened with Stevia, which helped me kick the sugar addiction
  • Excellent Customer Service
Prograde take a very educational approach in their advertising, so from time to time you will see on this site articles re-posted from the Prograde archive. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
